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With a background in Engineering and Construction it seemed a natural step to Real Estate. With regard to client service I still hold onto the mindset I brought from Holland "DE KLANT IS KONIG/KONIGIN; Translates to The customer is King/Queen.

In 1995 we moved our family from a chilly Holland to sunny Tauranga. Back in Europe I worked in the commercial construction Industry mainly high-rise buildings liaising between clients and contractors which called for a good understanding of matching client’s needs and technical know-how.

After arriving in New Zealand, I put this knowledge to use and started a small company marketing various construction and business-related services. (installation teams, Security, Business communications etc.)

More recently I have been involved with a volunteer organisation that sent medical ships working around the Pacific. These primary focused on services such as Eye surgeries (cataracts etc) dental services. As well as water supply and other small construction projects.

Upon returning to the work force I took the advice of a friend to step into the challenging world of real estate, where I could put my knowledge to work. In Holland we have a saying. De Klant is Konig’. Translated means ‘The Customer is King’ this is the mindset I have grown up with and endeavour the bring into my work to achieve that premium outcome for my clients.

In todays real estate world selling your home is no longer a matter of putting a sign up, taking a few photos and hoping the phone will ring. Those days have long gone. We now live in a world where there is so much more information available to us with amazing technology at our disposal. This is not a one size fits all approach. Each one of us has different needs and requirements, to be treated in a personable and professional manner.

As a specialist I can offer you a modern professional service that is tailored to your needs to achieve a successful sale. And with our proven strategies that can help maximise your sale price and minimise the time on the market.

I have enjoyed living in Tauranga (Welcome Bay) for 25 years and have a real passion for this part of the country.
