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Owning your own piece of real estate is probably one of the best feelings there is. A place to call home, to relax and to live in... it is also most likely your most valuable asset, and the process around selling or buying can be very stressful.

I love the fact that real estate sales gives me the opportunity to be a part of this very important process for clients and customers. Helping clients to sell in a respectful, but efficient manner, and helping customers to find that perfect home for peace of mind, is what I do well.

I gained a First-Class degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pretoria in South Africa and spent almost 20 years in the industry in various countries. For the last three years I have been heavily involved in the construction industry in New Zealand, working in the housing infrastructure development field.

Engineering has honed my ability to be creative, practical and to really pay attention to detail. I found these skills to be crucial in my own experiences with homes and investment properties, and I'll be able to guide you through this process with great ease.

Beachlands was first landfall for us when we arrived in New Zealand, and it immediately felt like home. We found this close-knit coastal community with its rural small-town feel to be a great place to settle with our two girls. We just love cycling the coastal cycle path enjoying a picnic next to the ocean, or spending time on the water, exploring the surrounding islands.

Give me a ring or call in for a chat about your property needs. I would love to be a part of your process.