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A homeowner and landlord since the age of 26. It was meant to be! I grew up around property with parents who bought, developed and sold more times than I can remember. In turn, I gained an extensive knowledge and love for the many facets of real estate.

A homeowner and landlord since the age of 26. It was meant to be! I grew up around property with parents who bought, developed and sold more times than I can remember. In turn, I gained an extensive knowledge and love for the many facets of real estate.

I have a creative mind and my background includes over 20 successful years’ experience in the television industry, both locally and internationally. Throughout this time, I developed an ability to listen and connect with people from all walks of life. This was a key factor in enabling me to produce award winning content for our screens - which coincidentally included an amazing number of property programmes…

This experience, has contributed to guaranteeing you a specialised digital skill-set, essential in this day and age for marketing and selling your property.

I could continue, but experience suggests most people usually don’t read this far - so on the off chance you have, contact me today for recent local sales, a no-strings-attached market appraisal and we’ll get your property …..