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Cooper understands that no home nor client is the same, adapting to differing needs, desires and goals, implementing the correct strategy to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved.

You could say that Cooper Spiller’s real estate career began back in 1997, the year he was born.

With both of his parents being heavily involved in the industry, and with an upbringing that revolved around open homes, sales meetings and after-hours negotiations, it comes as no surprise that property has become Cooper’s calling.

Indeed, he has a natural eye and talent for it.

In between completing a double degree in Property and Commerce (majoring in Marketing) at Auckland University, Cooper juggled various part-time jobs, including working as a real estate photographer, which gave him great insight into the sales and presentation process, and cemented his passion for the industry.

Self-described as tech-savvy, switched on and ready to assist, Cooper knows what’s hot in marketing, and knows how to promote a property to achieve maximum reach, demand and value. His up- to-the-minute knowledge of new and traditional media, in particular the social platforms, offers a true point of difference and advantage to his clients. As does his strong work ethic, collaborative approach and love of the local region.

A born and bred Muriwai-man, Cooper’s career goal is to establish himself as a known and authoritative real estate presence in the NorthWest. He knows there’s no better place to live, and with deep ties to the community he’s excited to be working here during a time of great change and expansion.

When asked what they appreciate most about him, Cooper’s clients remark on his open, outgoing nature, his impressive organisational skills, his quiet confidence and ability to listen, and his flair for forming genuine, mutually beneficial connections.