- FaceUp
Kim Robinson

Kim Robinson




Sales - Last 24 months

(+ 4 sales to be confirmed)

Sales - All time

(Confirmed sales)

With a sales career spanning decades, Kim set-up FaceUp because he felt that vendors were paying too much in commission. A highly skilled and experienced auctioneer and negotiator Kim and his team aim to provide the best all round service to clients.

Kim brings over 20 years sales, marketing and management experience to the industry and his results reflect the value of this. Throughout his real estate career, Kim has received national awards for his marketing ability which has led to his setting new benchmark prices for vendors in various areas. A period of service in the Royal NZ Infantry Regiment, retiring as a Commissioned Officer, has given Kim the drive and outgoing personality which has also lead him to becoming a successful auctioneer with multi-million dollar auction successes , including being  invited to call a number of auctions on the popular TV Series, Location Location Location. Kim is passionate about the auction process and believes that well planned and controlled auction campaigns will always provide the best opportunity to maximize the returns for vendors.

Kim has also represented his industry colleagues as a director on the board of the REINZ (Real Estate Institute of NZ) Industry Training Organisation (ITO) responsible for the training standards for salespeople entering the industry and on-going professional  development.

In recent years Kim has also advanced his own skills in the real estate industry by successfully completing the papers and graduating from Massey University with a Diploma in Business Studies , majoring in Real Estate. This qualification also automatically qualifies Kim as an Associate of The Real Estate Institute of NZ and also as a Licensed Agent—The highest recognized status by the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA), above Salesperson and Branch Manager.

Kim has always thought real estate fees were excessive and established FaceUP as a result of this.