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Award winning consultant in Christchurch for the last 15 years. Top 1% for Client Experience in New Zealand.

Michelle’s background in management has taught her that listening to what people require is the most important factor in achieving successful results. Her specialist field of finance and selling concepts and ideas to people compliment her move into the real estate industry. Michelle also has a very good grasp of today’s technology which is very useful in today’s environment. Real estate success is about marketing and negotiating to get a successful sale and Michelle has spent many years negotiating contracts to get a win/win result for all parties to ensure smooth completion and transition.

In her spare time Michelle enjoys time with her husband Paul, son Simon and twins Timothy and Chelsea. Another passion is her community involvement in St John Ambulance. She has held a number of Trustee positions on various St John Boards and post quake Project Managed the Re-build of St John properties in Christchurch. St John has been a long time passion of Michelle’s and she believes that her time as a volunteer ambulance member taught her to value life and value people above everything else.

Take into account Michelle’s extensive experience above and over 10 years’ experience in the Real Estate industry and you will quickly work out that she has a great deal of knowledge and expertise to assist you in any area of property transaction.

The most frequent comment Michelle heard when she advised people that she was going into real estate was I will deal with you because I trust you and another comment was you will tell it as it is.

This is further enhanced by the Harcourt’s promise of quality service with a team environment and experience that is second to none.