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Peter's background is in the global financial markets. He's also armed with a Bachelor degree in Engineering and Technology & Diploma in Financial services. Using his experience from previous roles including planning, organization, financial advice, developing and applying innovative ideas and solutions, Peter works along Edita and contributes hugely to the team achievements.

His advice is precious and his expertise is unbeatable. Whether you are selling or buying your home or investment property, having Peter on your side is your key to outstanding results.

I believe that each person I come in contact with in my life is a unique

individual and deserves to be treated as such. Each person, each situation

and each home will be treated with enthusiasm, creativity, sensitivity, integrity

and loyalty. Through this vision, I look forward to lasting relationships and

positive, rewarding real estate experiences.


"Hello Peter & Edita, Judith and I would like to thank you and Peter for all the wonderful work and skills you used to send our house to auction on Saturday 31st of October 2015. You run 4 consecutive weekends of open homes with a good attendance of interested buyers gathered together over this time. On the day of the auction there was a big crowd in attendance and the auction result was beyond our dreams. A wonderful price for our home that we have loved and cared for over 20 years now. You both show unique skills of market drive and knowledge, ensuring all the valued points and location details were well informed to all those interested parties. You kept us informed continually with how things were going, comments from the open home visitors, things we could do in the house to enhance the appearance and making those visiting feel the warmth and love in the house. Every question or enquiry we asked was promptly answered with the information we needed. We always felt at ease and comfortable in your company and felt like not just clients but friends to you both. You are known as the 'A TEAM' and you are well deserved of this title. Judith and I would not hesitate to recommend you to any friends or others who are thinking of selling their home or buying one to see you first for the best results in all aspects of selling or buying a home. Judith & Leigh"
""We would like to thank Peter & Edita Andrijasevic /The "A-TEAM/ for the sale and marketing our property at 175 Avondale Rd. As this was the first home we have sold we were worried it would be stressful time, but Edita and Peter made us feel relaxed through the whole process. We really appreciate their patienc with us. Their marketing plan was excellent and their personality gave us a relaxing feel while selling the property." Kelvin & Judy S."
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