Ani’s approachability, confidence and attention to detail makes what can be a daunting moment in life, less stressful.
Kia Ora,
Ko Ani-Maria Tapa ahau
Ko Ruapehu te maunga
Ko Whanganui te awa
Ko Aotea te waka
Ko Te Atihaunui-a-paparangi te iwi
Ko Ngati Ruaka, ko Ngati Hine, ko Ngati Rangi nga hapu
Ko Te Morehu te wharepuni
Ko Ruaka te whare kai
Ko Ranana te marae
As someone who thrives in a collaborative environment, Ani is a natural fit for this fast-paced team. Her positive and dynamic nature is backed by a high level of pride in her professional achievements.
My approachability, confidence and attention to detail makes what can be a daunting moment, in life, less stressful.
As someone who thrives in a collaborative environment, I am a natural fit for this fast-paced team. My positive and dynamic nature is backed by a high level of pride in my professional achievements.