- NZ Property Solutions



Sales - Last 24 months

(+ 7 sales to be confirmed)

Sales - All time

(Confirmed sales)

Director of Dunedin real estate company - NZ Property Solutions. I've been in the property industry for 25 years in Ireland, Melbourne, south-east Asia and now Dunedin. I specialise in selling traditional residential property and new-build off-plan sales.

I absolutely live and breathe property, it's in the blood. I started my career working with my Dad in Ireland who owned a successful real estate business - I sold my first house at 17 after I got my driver's license. My career has seen me sell and auction farms of land in Ireland to selling down some of the tallest apartment towers off-plan in NZ and Australia. I love people which is ultimately why I love selling real estate. Helping people to get to their next point in their property journey - whether that's a bigger or smaller home or a new investment property or selling down investment portfolios, or selling down a 100-unit residential development for a developer client - is what makes me tick.

I have a passion to grow the business too and build a team of agents that align with our core values and goals - being to serve our clients and customers and get them where they need to be. We leave ego at the door.

Contact me:

If you are a property owner looking to sell and want a fresh approach to ensure a great result.

If you are a developer looking to market your real estate projects

If you are a property investor, wishing to build a property portfolio comprising of prime brand-new inner-city/city-fringe high-growth, high-yield real estate investments