

Sales - Last 24 months

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Sales - All time

(Confirmed sales)

In the competitive world of real estate, cool and calm

rule the day. Jacqui Dellar is the quintessential property

professional with the credentials to cut it with the best,

and the ability to put the ‘real’ back into real estate.

A straight-talking, hard-working perfectionist who brings an

intelligent and intuitive approach to all property dealings,

She’s comfortable shouldering the inevitable stresses that come with

the territory, so that her clients can relax – safe in the knowledge that

no stone is left unturned in the pursuit of a result.

And not just any result, but the optimum possible in any given market

for any given property.

Her clear business head, eye for detail, empathetic communication

skills and steadfast commitment are regularly affirmed in client

testimonials. Jacqui quite simply delivers on the promises she

makes – with integrity and genuine care. Jacqui works throughout

central Auckland suburbs unrestricted by neighbourhood boundaries.

Her love for Real Estate and her passion for results being the key.

By her own admission, Jacqui runs a tight ship. She has a full-time

personal assistant to handle the administrative tasks, freeing Jacqui

up to do what she does best - seeking out property to sell, forming

tight working relationships with her vendors, marketing

property superbly, showing property to prospective buyers and

negotiating a sale. Much of Jacqui’s business now comes by way of

personal referral or repeat dealings with those who have enjoyed

doing real estate her way.